It is rightly said that winners never quit and quitters never win. Life is a journey full of obstacles which we all have to face but, does that mean that we should quit for the fear of hurdles? The answer is absolutely ‘no’. Because when we quit, we only devoid ourselves of our own ‘Right to Life’. One of the prime reasons why we should never quit is the fact that if we quit, we do not give ourselves a chance to succeed. We have many examples in history and even around us which tell us that the stories of successful people are always filled with struggles. Perhaps one of the best example is that of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan who is one of the greatest actors of Bollywood with an amazing voice by which we recognise him. He was once told that his voice is not suitable and was rejected from a job in many of the radio stations. Now, imagine if he would have quit and ended his career that time itself, then we would have never got an opportunity to listen to his magnanimous voice and watch his commendable performances. We need to remember that life is about living it and not ending it. Another important reason is if we quit, we deny ourselves the chance to learn and improve. Our former President and the Missile man of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam had said that F.A.I.L. is First Attempt in Learning. Failures teach us many important lessons in our lives, much more than what our success can teach us. But, these lessons can be understood and applied in our lives only if we continue on our path and keep moving ahead with perseverance. Thus, quitting and giving up on our circumstances or on our lives neither does any good nor takes us to our destiny. It only harms us in the worst possible manner. So, the only solution to every problem is to keep marching ahead with courage and determination with the readiness to face every single challenge. The ultimate motive of the journey of life is to keep living it, to keep walking on it and to find every morning that we are at least a step further from where we were yesterday. Because just like every single drop of water together makes the ocean, in the same way every single step takes us closer to our success.